Monday, May 2, 2011

We are a family that owns a dog!

Yesterday, we finally got our dog! :-)

We went to the animal shelter again yesterday, and they had just had a new dog brought in. She's a female, about two years old, of mixed breed. We can't tell exactly what breeds she has in her, but it seems like maybe she has some retriever blood mixed with something fluffy like a poodle. She's all white except for her black nose, with kind of longish and curlyish fur. Our dog is a little bigger than we planned - she stands almost hip height on the older girls - but our guardian said it was alright as long as we promised to take her outside a lot so she wouldn't feel cooped up.

When we came in the room at the shelter, our dog starting wagging her tail, and she licked all of our hands. She seemed to like us already! We knew she was supposed to be ours, and we felt like she thought so too. When we first brought her home she was more shy because it's a new place, but she settled in fast and now it's like she was always here.

The reason we didn't post about her right away is we had a hard time deciding on a name for her! When we actually met her, none of the names we had picked in advance seemed quite right. We still haven't decided for sure yet.

So now, we are pleased to introduce you to our new dog... soon to be named! We're so excited! :-)

The Green Girls


  1. Yay!! Congratulations, girls! :) Can't wait to hear what you've decided to call her.


  2. Thanks! We've been debating the name since we got her. ;-)

    We briefly thought we had settled on something. Right before we got her, we went to see the new Jane Eyre movie. (Which is really good, by the way!) We were thinking of naming her something based on that story, so for awhile we were calling her Rochester, since it referred to Jane Eyre and was also a city where some of us used to live.

    This worked great for a couple of hours. Then Kaya asked, "What if we end up living there again? We'd be in the city of Rochester with a dog named Rochester!"

    So... the name went back to the drawing board. Most of our guardian's relatives still live there, so it's not out of the question we'd live there someday.

    The naming dilemma goes on...


  3. Congrats on the dog! Félicitations!
    I think Rochester would be a nice name for a dog. If I think of any names, I'll let you girls know.

  4. Thanks, Sabine!

    Do you think it would be weird to have a dog with the same name as the city where you live, though? Not that we'll FOR SURE ever live there again, but it could happen given the extended family situation.


  5. Oh, a new dog? Congratulations! I hope that you are able to decide on a new name for her soon. :)


  6. Thanks, Sophie! We've been looking forward to this for a long time. :-)

    The name debate continues. Kaya and Bree are currently fighting for the name Dawn, like from Buffy. The rest of us may be close to caving.


  7. Congrats on rescuing a dog! I hope she fits in well with your family. I don't know if I would name her Rochester. To me, at least, it sounds very masculine. What about Janey since you guys like Jane Eyre? Though I really do think you should name her Emily :)


  8. Hi, Emily. Thanks for the congratulations. So far she's doing great here!

    We considered variations of Jane, but we know several people named Jane, and the associations are... mixed, to put it mildly. ;-)

    We decided that we will give her Emily as her middle name, just for you. :-)


  9. Update: THE DOG IS NAMED!!! :-)

    We would like to officially introduce you to our new pet, April! :-)

  10. April is a great name! I feel so honored that you're using my name as her middle name! Thanks!


  11. Thanks, Emily! And thanks for letting us name her partly after you. :-)

    The Green Girls
